lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011


Each person depends on a type of weather. For example here in Guatemala we have an excellent climate thanks to our four seasons, no matter what month of the year we are because we always have the eternal spring all around us. That's because our beautiful city has lots of flora and fauna that gives life to the country. It all depends on what department you are because if you're in one that is close to the coast will be warmer than one that is far from the coast. It all depends on how high you are. That is why some countries like Costa Rica, Honduras, and Belize are so hot. this type of climate is good for some things like water sports, go to the beach, but not good to grow food, is why it is better preserved in countries that are offshore that is why Guatemala is perfect to live because it is not so hot or cold. Is why we are called the land of eternal spring Guatemala City is perfect for harvesting because we have the best climate to live. Fruits and vegetables are better preserved here in Guatemala than in other countries like the U.S. because here in Guatemala we have a tropical climate you could say that Guatemala is a paradise and that would be the best country to live. to be a good person all depends on what environment you grew up. The only bad thing is the uncertainty in Guatemala for all the bad people around us that steal from good people and the lack of education that's bad because kids are growing up with ignorance and a bad environment. There is also much visual pollution for example all the garbage that is lying on the streets, in these times on this year (2011) we had the bad luck that was election year and the streets are full of junk advertising that will not be removed in good time. is also known that some medical problems such as shortness of breath is controlled the weather for example a person who has any of these conditions can not go to the coast because it would be very difficult to breathe because of the height and pressure this would cause the person's body a blood pressure that would lead this person to a heart attack. That is why some people have to keep on the boundary of the coast so they will not suffer any change in the body. Climate (weather) can cause pulmoniares diseases because of the allergies that a living being attracts. Such as when there is high humidity humans suffer from allergies. There are also many animals that grow due to moisture such as mites and when there is an old house sometimes preserves the droppings of bats that cause eye allergies. That is why people should be careful and see what kind of weather is living. There are also many places where the climate is very dry and causes dehydration problems is why Guatemala is perfect to live.

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